Exposing the ENERGY of Entertainment To Release People From The Mental and Spiritual Bondage It Creates!

Ebony Gets A Makeover Before Throwing In Towel

I want to say right off the back that I stand by Ebony, Ebony is still a Black owned and run company and have maintained this for years. However Ebony has gone back and forth over the years as to whether to partner with or sell their magazine to bigger publishing companies.

If this happens I will NEVER, EVER support Ebony, just like I will NEVER support Essence again.

Why? Surprisingly it's not because the company would no longer be Black

It's all about ENERGY

The bigger companies like Time Inc, and Viacom took years to make it. It took years of sacrifice and they had to tough it out to be able to build what they have today. I'm sure there where times when they lost money, but the Universe will give it back based on your ENERGY and determination.

Unfortunately Black people don't seem to have constant determination or strength.

As many commenter's have pointed out it's unbelievable that with so many Black millionaires that no one has the desire to think big and understand the more companies we lose the less we will be able to grow to great heights.

Ebony was founded by John H. Johnson in 1945.  Johnson Publishing a privately held company based in Chicago is the nation’s largest African American-owned media company.

It seems like Black people are so out of metaphysical alignment with "The laws of Nature" that they can't hold onto anything. We have forgotten how to talk to each other, ask for support from each other and be honest with each other. The ENERGY of this culture has changed the demeanor of Black people. A metaphysical truth that I will definitely discuss this later.

Ebony is like a landmark and the Black community should have been made well aware of it's struggle. Despite the trials of Ebony growing up most Black people I know had a subscription to the magazine. I'm sure many African Americans weren't aware that the magazine was struggling to this extent.

I sometimes wonder if this race was designed to obtain power within it's own community. It doesn't seem to be within our makeup to build and grow. I don't think we know how to consistently. Because the only way to do so is to collaborate, join and pool ENERGIES.

A Silver Lining In the Sky?

Former White House Social Secretary to Barrack Obama, Desiree Rogers, is on the Ebony team as. Rogers is CEO of the Johnson Publishing Company which produces Ebony, Jet and Fashion Fair Cosmetic Line. She has a dedication to transforming the company and has dedicated herself to doing so and revitalizing the Fashion Fair brand.

I'm Making a Commitment

I decided I will do more then just talk like so many other Black people. I want to act out what I think and say. So I will be subscribing to Ebony magazine and I hope that the company remains a great testimony to the abilities of African Americans in business.

Ebony has had a dedication to advising and highlighting Black entrepreneurs for over six decades, it will be a big blow for it to go out with a "thud". After-all this is not just a fashion magazine it's a magazine that always had a dedication to building and inspiring Black entrepreneurs.

I encourage everyone who can to subscribe to Ebony magazine in an effort to keep one of the few landmark companies that we have in this community. It's apparent that celebrities could care less. Celebrities who owe their career to Ebony due to exposure. Celebrities who could easily afford a couple of that subscritions which coast $15 dollars each.

Of course that would not help with advertising dollars but it would help Ebony be able to pay it's writers instead of asking them to write for exposure but with no pay.

Sometimes I wonder if we were meant to have anything because when we have it we can't keep it, or we usually give it away. It's ok for the top officials at Ebony to take a pay cut while the magazine grows again. The universe would see you doing this and metaphysically bless you. Sacrifice brings results. Wanting to maintain a certain lifestyle makes some people want to sell-out.

Here's the "clincher" and I must say this......... I will not be able to support Ebony magazine if power is relinquished to non-Blacks. We have nothing and need to build to have something for the coming generations of our children. Other races understand this mentality even when they are trying to beat Black people into submission by making them feel militant and racist when they attempt to build and retain power of what they have built. Jewish people or White people would never sell their power to Black people. God would not want them to, nor does he want us to. He supports those who build to feed their family and communities. 

Please pass this on so we can keep a legacy alive for generations to come.


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