Exposing the ENERGY of Entertainment To Release People From The Mental and Spiritual Bondage It Creates!

Foxy Brown's Ridiculous Lawsuit

Here’s some real comedy, Foxy Brown is planning to sue New York City for $100 million dollars.

Now I understand the need for money comes through in many different ways. Many people like Foxy Brown will do anything to make a buck if the opportunity presents itself. Now let’s gauge how desperately Foxy Brown needs money, let’s absorb the ENERGY of this ridiculous lawsuit.

Apparently Foxy Brown really needs the money. Her lawyer Salvatore Strazzullo is filing a lawsuit which claims that Foxy Brown was treated with malicious contempt by the District Attorney’s Office. They claim that Foxy Brown should have never been charged with “mooning” her neighbor Arlene Raymond in July 2010. They say it was a waste of taxpayers money.

Of course both are simply grasping at straws. Foxy Brown violated her parole by “mooning” her neighbor. In fact she was on “parole” for hitting the same neighbor with her blackberry phone in 2007. At that time she was on probation for another charge.

Here’s a memo to Foxy and her lawyer, this lawsuit alone is a waste of taxpayers dollars. Here’s another example of a black child raised in an environment where they are taught to shift responsibility if possibility. It’s amazing that she feels there should be no consequence to her “mooning” her neighbor after she was told to cease contact with her. After-all she did hit her with a cell phone and was charged with that incident.

I use to work at Juniors restaurant in Brooklyn New York, so I am familiar with Foxy brown’s wild antics. Foxy Brown and her friends would come to the restaurant to eat. Guess what they would do after being served and their stomachs where full?

Leave, yes Foxy Brown would “eat, and leave” the restaurant. She was breed with such class. A justifiable lawsuit would be for the restaurant to sue her. Lol

Foxy Brown is an example of what happens when we simply empower someone because they are Black like us. She has proven to be the worst example of how a Black woman should act and be. She should not be able to address her deep personal and mental issues through this culture and in the spotlight.

I have and will never support her ENERGY. That does not mean I don’t wish her well, I’m simply a visionary. Because I’m a visionary I realize that allowing her ENERGY in this culture simply brings down the culture. She should not be in a position where she can fuel the notion that despite her actions she can succeed.

It may seem like I’m expecting people to be perfect. That’s not the case, no one’s perfect. But you must take the ENERGY of people’s actions into consideration when they are in the spotlight. There has to be boundaries when it comes to the ENERGIES that hover over the community, our children and culture.

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