Exposing the ENERGY of Entertainment To Release People From The Mental and Spiritual Bondage It Creates!

Ready to Watch a Blackface Movie?

 It looks like mud was smeared all over her face, neck and arms and then wiped off with a dry rag. Is it me or does this have the ENERGY of her make-up looking blotchy and horrible on purpose?

Speechless is not even a good enough word to describe what I felt when I saw the pictures of how they transformed Zoe Saldana's physical appearance to portray Nina Simon. I think I want to go with the word ENRAGED, DISGUSTED, or better yet INSULTED.

After the "Read More" I've included a video from a respectable YouTuber who describes the reasons why Black people can't really complain. Though I agree with almost all his points, I DO NOT accept a reality were Black people simply shut-up and allow depictions that are a mockery, just because we need to work on becoming stronger and getting ourselves together. While we're working on ourselves we should not allow others to mock our icons or ancestors just because they can and we have not focused our power in the direction of depicting our own culture icons.

How many Hispanic Dominicans would have a heart attack if Gabrielle Union was set to play this Dominican woman?

Zoe Saldana herself, would be flabbergasted. Of course she would not reveal that openly but she would feel picking Gabrielle Union over someone like herself is absurd. 

The above picture is Milagros Quezada Borbón, known simply as Milly Quezada, she's a Latin Grammy-winning Dominican Merengue music singer.
Due to Zoe Saldana's portrayal of Nina Simon, would it be far-fetched for someone like Gabrielle Union to play this women when she passes on in the future? 

Let's compare:
  • Nina Simon was a singer----Zoe Saldana is not a singer
  • Milly Quezada is a singer----Gabrielle is not a singer
  • Zoe Saldana is a subpar actress 
  • Gabrielle Union (though I love her and want to see her grow) is a subpar actress
Seems like a perfect match to me

So why wouldn't such a movie be done, or even attempted?  How much support do you think the movie would receive?

The following video explains many reasons why, but I also addressed one major reason in my previous article "Nina Simon Movie Reveals an Energy about Black Women"

For Full Screen Click Here

What many Black people don't understand is that the Black race is being fazed out. We will continue to be dealt with, but we have been proven useless beyond entertainment. Hispanics are the new Blacks in this country. And because they are more organized and more entrepreneurial minded, they have more power than Black people. On top of that they are more willing to assimilate. Most of them chose to come here, they weren't brought here by force..

Black people are being fazed out by Hispanics, Asians and Indians. I will be doing an article to address the seriousness of this today.

"You Teach People How to Treat You By What You Accept and Don't Accept"
Watching the movie IN THEATERS or by Buying the DVD. then complaining will not do, of course something tells me that regardless of the number of Black people who support this movie, the movie will generate a major audience.

"Be Strong, Stay Strong, the only way to not lose yourself in this era is to feel the POWER of being Awake"

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